Carmonius Finsnickeri was started in autumn 2016 and is run by Ola Carmonius. The career path to cabinetmaker has been somewhat crooked but well planned.
Carmonius Finsnickeri was started in the autumn of 2016 and is run by Ola Carmonius. The career path to a cabinetmaker has been a bit crooked but well planned.
Tree climbing and hut construction were combined with a great aptitude for space Lego, an important basis for the interest in building and creating.
The space Lego was replaced by the construction of skateboard ramps and a great interest in drawing and painting. I diligently painted airbrush and other illustrations and had plans for technology illustrator education. The knowledge of technology was instead broadened with a master's degree in Mechanical Engineering.
The painting turned into furniture sketches and the sketches turned into construction and builds. Mother's bathroom and friend's parents' garage acted as woodworking shop. The builds consisted of what was popular at the time, cabinets of planks found on the beach and tables of scrap metal. In 1998, the boat armchair was built, also this a beach find, the armchair was exhibited in a furniture store in Malmö. After that build a strong interest in fine woodworking evolved. The glass jar shelf from 1999 was the first more finely built work, although today I do not really think it holds the measure of being classified as fine woodworking.
Woodworking was done sporadically after moving to an apartment in 2000 but the knowledge was deepened. Long evenings at the library all issues of Fine Woodworking magazine were read, literature was procured, all the world's joinery techniques was studied and furniture was sketched in quantities.
Premises was rented in 2010 and the dream began to become a reality, a woodworking shop of my own. Machines were bought and renovated, furniture builds began to pick up speed and in 2016 both apartment and attic were filled with self-built furniture and I took the step to start Carmonius Finsnickeri.
I managed to get a small article published in Fine Woodworking, the magazine I had as a mentor since I started woodworking.
Veritas begins to manufacture and sell a table for Festool's Domino machine, based on my version developed and presented a few years earlier. You can find more information about the product here.
The Superjig is developed into its current form, the webshop is opened to be able to sell plans for jig building. Fine Woodworking highlights the Superjig under its section for interesting videos.